Dorgali is a town of 8,000 people renowned for its territory, handicraft, wines and cheeses.
Why overnight at Dorgali
Overnighting and staying longer at Dorgali will make your holiday perfect. Its territory has many attractions: from the beaches of Cala Gonone to seaside caverns of Bue Marino, S’Abba Frisca Open Air Museum and Cala Gonone Aquarium, and plenty of excursion trails for people who love trekking.

What to see in Dorgali
Let’s see what the principal attractions are at Dorgali and where to stay in Dorgali.
- S’Abba Frisca Open Air Museum: right next to the villa. Guests can visit the Open Air Museum with discounted tickets;
- Ispinigoli Grotto (5km from the villa): a deep cavern with a central limestone column about 40m high;;
- Dorgali Archaeological Museum (6km from the villa): recommended for anyone wanting to learn about Nuragic civilization (free entry included with Ispinigoli Grotto ticket);
- Nuragic Village of Serra Orrios (14km from the villa): a vast and interesting Nuragic settlement:;
- Giant’s Dolmen of S’ena ‘e Thomes (20 km dalla villa): Sepolcro comune risalente al 1800 – 1600 a.C.;
- Tiscali Village: an ancient small settlement hidden in a limestone hollow, reached by trekking (find out more in the section on excursions);
- Promenade in Dorgali: Il paese di Dorgali è famoso per i suoi prodotti artigianali. E’ possibile incontrare pellettieri, orafi e ceramisti nelle botteghe, tra le vie del centro storico;
- Kayak tour of Lake Cedrino: a man-made lake on the slopes of the Dorgali and Oliena highland. It’s one of the leading attractions at Dorgali for active tourism. Explore by hiring kayaks with or without guide to see points of interest such as the Grotto of Guano, basalt columns, Su Gologone spring and Pedra ‘e Othoni dam. Along the way animals can be seen, among them very beautiful mouflons.
Cala Gonone
A section of Dorgali, Cala Gonone is a tourist village on the sea. From the little port you can catch small ferry boats to visit famous beaches along the Gulf of Orosei, or hire a rubber dinghy (with or without pilot).
Where to sleep in Cala Gonone
The best place to stay in Cala Gonone is definitely Villa Capelvenere, just 4km from the port, and you can fully enjoy its services and easily visit attractions, distant from commotion.

Why stay at Cala Gonone
What to do in Cala Gonone
- Central Beach:easily reached by car on village roads (5km from the villa)
- Palmasera Beach: a beach of tiny pink pebbles right alongside Cala Gonone;
- Cala Fuili Beach: with larger pebbles, a few kilometres from Cala Gonone;
- Sos Dorroles: beach of small pebbles and sand a few kilometres from Cala Gonone;
- S’Abba Meica Beach: with small pebbles and sand a few kilometres from Cala Gonone;
- Cala Luna Beach: fine sand beach backed by limestone walls with large caverns; reached by sea or by trekking (find out more in the section on excursions);
- Ziu Santoru Beach: small sandy beach that’s not well known, reached by trekking (find out more in the section on excursions);
- Oddoana Beach: small sandy beach that’s not well known, reached by trekking (find out more in the section on excursions);
- S’Abba Frisca Open Air Museum: (next to the villa): villa guests can visit the Open Air Museum with a discounted ticket (find out more);
- Cala Gonone Aquarium: small-scale aquarium recreating Mediterranean depths, and including a few tropical species;
- Nuragic village of Nuraghe Mannu: at Cala Gonone, lets you discover how people lived in this civilization;
- Panoramic walk: a delightful stroll with views of the Gulf of Orosei;
- Seaside walk: amble along localities and beaches at Cala Gonone, perfect when planning what to do in the evening;
Where to overnight at Dorgali and at Cala Gonone
If you’re looking for accommodation between Dorgali and Cala Gonone, close to the sea but in a quiet spot, you are in the right place: Villa Capelvenere is sheltered in the Littu Valley.